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Here are a few journaling activities to work through on your journey!

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toss or table

Use paper that you don't mind throwing away!


You can use scraps of lined or blank paper. You can make these as messy or as beautiful as you like...toss to get rid of...table to pause your rambling chatter in your mind.


Use these pages to free up your useful working brain. Write out or sketch anything that is weighing you down mentally.


Any thought that comes to mind can be jotted down.


Then, tear it up and release these pages as they no longer serve you. 

all that is good

Sometimes when we are struggling, it is hard to remember all of the good things that have happened in our lives. Create a list of as many things that are good. They may be big things like travelling or a roof over your head, or small things like delicious food and fuzzy socks! Be creative and try to write as many as possible!


The first time I did this exercise I wrote over a hundred different little things! It's amazing how many little great things we experience each day but often overlook!

Focus on the good!

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This was a powerful guiding question in my life. It enabled me to finish writing my first book.


I highly recommend giving this question enough time to answer it fully. 


You may want to sit and meditate on the answers before you write them down. 


Is there anything I need to accomplish before the end of my life?


How will I feel if I do not complete this accomplishment?


What do I need to do to get started on this goal?

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